Tracey Bryant Stuckey

 Blog: Education Redefined

Broader Context in Teaching: How does it align with student impact and my goals?

Jul 03, 2021

Broader Context in Teaching

The broader context in teaching refers simply to the bigger idea or overarching understanding that you have used within your planning of this lesson.  The broader context, by definition is generally so large that it combines many goals over a long period of time for students to begin to internalize it.

But what can the broader context mean in your lesson plan template?

Think about it as your big idea (the umbrella) of everything under it (goals - seen as raindrops in the image below) and together planning from a broader perspective into a more narrow, measurable focus students will result in large puddles of learning (see the graphic below) for the students in your classroom. 

Broader Context and NBPTS

For the sake of the NBPTS Maintenance of Certification process, you aren’t expected to prove that students meet the broader context for learning in examples.  Instead, the assessor is looking for evidence that you are able to plan...

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Content vs. Pedagogy: Differences and Connections Between the Two

Jul 03, 2021

Component 1 of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Maintenance of Certification process asks what seems like a simple question. 

This component instructs you to write about the ways you have acquired and deepened content and pedagogical knowledge in your NBPTS certificate area (rubric bullet #2) during the renewal period. 

Oftentimes, terms like pedagogy vs. content confuse teachers. However, there is a very clear difference (and link) between the two. Let's unpack them in this blog.

Pedagogical and Content Knowledge

Question #3 in Component 1 of the Maintenance of Certification Process asks: In the context of your PGE, explain how you have acquired and deepened your certificate area-specific content knowledge and/or your pedagogical knowledge and skills to remain current, including use of research and/or use of other professional activities.

Understanding the difference between content and pedagogy is vital for providing a complete and accurate...

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Finding Evidence

Jul 02, 2021

Many teachers find the evidence portion of the Maintenance of Certification process to be highly stressful, either because they feel they don't have enough evidence or that the NBPTS is too restrictive in their four page limit. 

 As a former renewal assessor, I’m here to tell you not to worry about either side and to try to think about how you can build evidence into your written commentary.  Creating a written commentary full of examples, stories, or pointed evidence is an easy way to earn those brownie points on the rubric without major anxiety over cramming or collaging (which is not advised) onto the four samples of product (SOP) pages.  In addition, you don’t want to present samples of products that may reduce the value of your milestone worthy PGEs.

Checkout my YouTube Channel that has a video on Evidence: CLICK HERE

The MOC guide for the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards states - “Your samples of products should exemplify...

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10 Must-Dos to Achieve Equity & Diversity in your Classroom

Aug 27, 2020

Promoting equity and diversity in the classroom need not be a challenge and is something all children deserve.

  • Use a variety of teaching methods to reach all modalities-- auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
  • Use a variety of assessment strategies to meet the testing needs of all students
  • Use adaptive equipment and strategies as needed to meet all learner needs (large print, visuals, etc...)
  • Set clear rules in regard to treating others fairly and equitably.
  • Encourage students to take on roles (that showcases their strengths) in heterogeneous cooperative groups.
  • Build a classroom community grounded in the principles of a democracy.
  • Avoid stereotypes and support gender neutrality in examples and resources.
  • Actively support multiculturalism in your lessons and the resources you use.
  • Ensure all students have equitable access to opportunities, resources, and participation that encourage growth and success.
  • Plan lessons that reflect the diversity of students in your classroom.



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NBPTS Maintenance of Certificate (MOC) versus Renewal Rubric

Jun 22, 2020

Well folks… we are entering into a new era!  It’s Maintenance of Certification time at the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and this means only one thing – many of you are probably nervous about the changes and wondering what may be in store for you through this new process.

For me, these changes are exciting!  After more than 20 years working with candidates (and the last ten years focusing exclusively on renewal candidates), I know how empowering the renewal process (and now Maintenance of Certification) is for a teacher’s professional development.  Oh, the things you learn about yourself and the new impacts you will make on student learning are amazing!

So, to help you on this journey I thought the best place to start would be to compare the old versus the new. As you all know, the rubric is your road map to success in the MOC process.  You meet the bullets... you maintain certification!  You do not meet the...

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The Parking Lot!

Jan 01, 2020

To many of my readers, the idea of a parking lot is not a new strategy.  I’m sharing this idea with you as a professional organizational tool more than a classroom pedagogical tool for the sake of this blog entry.  

There is so much information that must flow from your brain to paper to complete the MOC Renewal portfolio for the National Board Certification for Teachers (NBCT).  This visual will be an asset for you to “park” your thoughts, ideas, and reflect daily.  It covers all the areas that most candidates feel overwhelmed in throughout the National Board Certification process.  Let’s unpack this document to see how it could help you.

  1. Questions – Each time you have a question about anything related to the process, park it in the upper left quadrant until you can get to your MOC renewal coach or into your NBCT support groups/cohorts.
  2. Like – Each time you “like” an idea that you believe fits within...
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Understand the NBPTS Portfolio questions

Dec 11, 2019

This is the 24-million-dollar question that almost every National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) candidate asks themselves at one point or another during the initial, retake, or MOC portfolio process! The questions seem vague and repetitive at first glance.  Then you realize what it truly is they want you to do.  The National Board (NBPTS) wants you to unpack the question to fit your situation.  We are all different.  Our student population is not the same, and our professional experiences are unique to the communities we serve.  Therefore, you must tackle the written commentary portion of National Board Certification for Teachers (NBPTS) with the lens of a doctor.  Let’s look at an example of how this would look:

The first questions in a written commentary set are descriptive in nature.  THINK & WRITE DESCRIPTIVELY!

The doctor asks: “Describe to me your symptoms and what you have done so far to solve this health...

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Reflective Writing for NBPTS Portfolio Success

Dec 04, 2019

In this post I will be discussing the third and final writing style that will prove your ability to reflect on your teaching and students’ learning in a deep and meaningful way.  This writing style will show convincing evidence to prove your ability to significantly impact student learning through your practice. 

In Components 1 and 2, reflective writing is used as a “thought process” that must be engaged in after each teaching or growth experience.   Through your reflection, you will determine how you would approach similar situations in the future and what changes you would likely make to improve the experience for your learners. This reflective writing is extremely important for the assessor to understand how you will use what you have learned from your lessons and PGEs to inform and improve your teaching in the future.

I know what you are saying now, how do I know the difference in whether the NBPTS wants me to write analytically or...

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Analytical Writing for NBPTS Portfolio Success

Nov 27, 2019

In this post I will be discussing the second and most important writing style necessary for producing a portfolio that shows convincing evidence toward meeting the rubric bullets. 

In Component 1 analytical writing is used in the PPG to “dissect the scene” for each PGE.   In addition, you will use analytical writing to demonstrate, with evidence, that your learning experiences (and goals) are appropriate in both Component 2 and 3. Your analytical writing will showcase what your students’ performance suggests about your teaching. Through your analysis, you will clarify why you made the decisions you made and why you interpret student growth or lack of growth (with the support of evidence) relative to your choices in the lesson. This analytical writing is extremely important for the assessor to understand the why, in what ways, and how questions related to each PGE. You are using the evidence of learner work to explain and illustrate your practice...

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MOC Milestones- The backbone of renewing

Nov 20, 2019

Webster’s Definition of Milestone

an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development

          -Babies reach milestones.

          -Toddlers reach milestones.

          -Adolescents reach milestones.

          -Teenagers reach milestones.

          -And… TEACHERS reach milestones, as well!

Well, if you are going through the NBPTS Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process, you better be showcasing at least ONE milestone.  You see, this is what the Profile of Professional Growth (MOC portfolio) is really founded on – Milestones (significant changes).

Where do they go in the portfolio?

What should they look like?

How do you know if you have any to write about?

Let’s dive deeper in each of these questions.

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