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Tracey Bryant Stuckey's Blog:

Education Redefined


Borrowing a Classroom for the NBPTS MOC Process moc

Borrowing a classroom for the NBPTS MOC process - are you thinking…


 Do I need to borrow a classroom for my NB MOC?

  • What type of classroom should I borrow...
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6 Tips About National Board Teacher Certification for MOC Candidates moc

So for many teachers starting the MOC renewal process for NBPTS is a daunting tasks. PTSD from initial certification is still not that far gone, and the idea of having to start...

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What makes National Board Certification Meaningful? initial

If you're asking yourself, “Is the National board teacher certification worth it?” I'm here to tell you - yes it is! 


 Through this process you'll...

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When is the Best Time to Start National Board Certification? initial & retake

So you want to complete the National Board Certification process in one year or you may be saying when is the best time to start the National Board certification process if I...

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Congratulations to the NBCTs

Congratulations to all the NBCTs who Achieved or Renewed NBCT Status for 2021!

I would personally like to congratulate the GROWTH of all of the teachers, including those that...

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NBPTS Standards - Why they matter! initial & retake

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards first published “What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do” in 1989.  They later updated the document...

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Three styles of writing for the NBPTS initial certification process initial & retake

How do I understand what the Portfolio Questions are asking me to do, and what is the best way to plan to answer them? This is the 24-million-dollar question that almost every...

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Creating a Safe, Fair, and Equitable Learning Environment initial & retake

Accomplished teachers are committed to teaching children in ways that are fair and equitable. It is significant that NBCTs have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to...

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Understanding the 5 Ws to be successful on your RETAKE journey! initial & retake

Finally understanding how to connect the dots and bring everything you do back to impacting the student is the critical component of earning National Board certification. It is...

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National Board Certification - Is it worth it? initial & retake

Are you seeking to reflect upon and improve your teaching practice?  If you answered yes, National Board Certification for teachers may be just the thing you need to reach...

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