10 Must-Dos to Achieve Equity & Diversity in your Classroom


Promoting equity and diversity in the classroom need not be a challenge and is something all children deserve.

  • Use a variety of teaching methods to reach all modalities-- auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
  • Use a variety of assessment strategies to meet the testing needs of all students
  • Use adaptive equipment and strategies as needed to meet all learner needs (large print, visuals, etc...)
  • Set clear rules in regard to treating others fairly and equitably.
  • Encourage students to take on roles (that showcases their strengths) in heterogeneous cooperative groups.
  • Build a classroom community grounded in the principles of a democracy.
  • Avoid stereotypes and support gender neutrality in examples and resources.
  • Actively support multiculturalism in your lessons and the resources you use.
  • Ensure all students have equitable access to opportunities, resources, and participation that encourage growth and success.
  • Plan lessons that reflect the diversity of students in your classroom.


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